About Me

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Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
Hi im Tammy im only 15 and i have blonde hair with blue eyes.

Saturday 28 August 2010

Friends turn into something more

Hey everyone its me SmieyTammy the week i have had has been ecxiteing but also a bit not happy well here is the storie

hey well i like this guy he only lives 4 hurs and 30 mins away from me and well we have known each other for a long time like half a year now and i have liked him soo much i given him my phoen number and he rings me up when ever he wants too i dont care if its 4AM in the morning or even in the day time i just love to hear his sexy voice and soo one night he rang me up and said he love's me i was like the happish girl in the world cuz i been feeling the same way about him for ages and soo now where dateing my brothers arnt that happy about it but they can get over it right? sure they can and well now its been like 3-4 days and for 2 nights in a row we have been staying up really late till 5:40AM on the phone talking and when he goes off to bed i feel liek hes taken half of me with him i feel emprty but i know he has to sleep and while hes sleeping im just sat in my bed smiling at myself remmbering the nice conversation that we have just had and soo i dont really get any sleep right now i havnt sleept for 42 hours now and im tired as being in a boaring lesson but i dont wanna sleep mostly because i dont like sleeping and also because off the boy hes like on my mind all the time hes super cute,sweet as candy, wont hurt girls, hes a true genitlemen, hot and alot more but you would get boared after reading what i think of him lol and well today we kinda of had a fall out but its all sorted we kissed and made up and i will never lose him if i do he would take half of me with him and he might not know he did but he has taken it with him hes everything a girl could ask for and need

Friday 13 August 2010

To Kyle

Kyle im sorry for being a total bitch to you its just after u said hi u never talked so i kept cheking my yt page like evey 1 minute im sorry i undertstand if u hate me right now and forever and everytime i try to talk to u ur never on or you are busy or u dont even listen to me and anakin is always there for me im soo sorry kyle

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Old Friends

Hey everyone its smileytammy here sorry i havnt been on for a couple of days i been talking with some old mates. so anyway this is what has been happing. this is a photo of when i was there and my mates =)

Over these couple days i been getting to know some friends from Sheffield who i known when i was 4 years old but then i moved and now we have got contact over facebook and im super happy now and they are the best friends ever suree they might live far away but so what that doesnt matter and i will never forget them even when im dead they will still be in my heart or head we all went to same school BIRLEY SPA PRIMARY SCHOOL but i only went for 1 year then my parents made us move too Notthingham but i missed my old school and everyone in it, i still got memoires from birley spa primary school some funny memiores i was a little devil back then and still am when i wanna be lol but i just wished that i never moved because now im in tears writeing this i miss them so much Harley, Aaron, Jordan miss them so much (only been talking to them lol 3) i miss them soo much :( its been 11 years now since the last time i seen them long time and i really miss them so much I MISS YOU GUYS
Love from SmileyTammy

Wednesday 4 August 2010

To Dean Part 2

I have spent the whole night waiting for me brother Dean to get on i have been watchign movies and also  listenign to music channels and been watchign some TV shows like Jersey Shore love that show and been on myspace and facebook chatting to some mates who live all aroud the world.
When Dean gets on he would spend like 10 - 15 mins online  and then he says sorry Tam tam i g2g (g2g means got 2 go) and i just cant smile anymore when he says that it just hurts me cuz i feel like he doesnt even wanna spend any anytime with me anymore its just hurts so much i just feel like crying. Dean  miss you soo much you don't know how much i miss you dean

Monday 2 August 2010

Staying up All night

hey everyone its me Smileytammy so tonight i have stayed up All night and this is what i did thow the night.
I was down stairrghs and i listened to music on my phone then i turned tv on and i was on Facebook, Youtube, Myspace and here and also watching tv so anyways i watched Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins then it was some music on the music channals then i started watching One Missed Call and i also made a post called To Dean (my big brother) and after i writen that i turned my laptop off and watched One Missed Call then after the film ened i cam back on and fount out my big brother dean commented on the post what i made for him and that cheered me up alot and i was on Facebook all night talking to some friends from USA called Ryan and another friened from Austraila called Owen and what i night its been gr8 and i had a couple of snacks thorw out the night and im not even tired yet wow lol and my parents known i was down here they let me send a night down shirhts cool and my lovely dog called Duchess has spent the whole night in my bed aww bless  her and its now 05:55am love from Snileytammy/Tamtam/Tammy

To Dean

Dear Dean

Dean im so sorry i love you to piceases big brother i miss you so much and i never want or ment to hurt you. i hate seeing you hurt and please talk to me i dont wanna lose my big brother dean ur the best big brother ever and so is kyle please forgive me dean love your little sister smileytammy/tamtam/tammy

Shoe Fight in a shop

Hey eveyone its Smileytammy / Tammy here i got a good storie that happend to me today while i went shopping.

Today i went Shopping and i went into a shop and omg i seen these sweet high heels and i so had to have them so i went to the get grad them and at the same time another women went to grad them aswell so then she said "im getting them so bad lucky blondey" so then i graded 1 pair and went to grad the one she had then she pushed me away then i got her pair while she pushed me away and then she pulled on it and spinned us around and i fell over a bence with the shoe she had and after 15 mins of all the shoe fight we got told that we count get them shoes cuz we started a shoe fight and we both glared at each other love from Smileytammy/Tamtam/Tammy