About Me

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Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
Hi im Tammy im only 15 and i have blonde hair with blue eyes.

Monday 2 August 2010

My First Blog

Hey guys this is Tammy but my mates call me Smileytammy or Tamtam well anyways i thought that i would start writeing a blog about some of the adventures that i have with friends and family.
Anyways guys this is my first so im not use to this kind of stuff i thougth that i might give it a try and im so sorry for spelling mistakes im horible with spelling mistakes lol. since this is my first blog i will just start with a memmroie that i had when i was a little girl and then i will start talking about the days i have had the ones that are not boaring.

Hi my name is Tammy
When i was a little girl around 7 years old my dad use to work as a bulider and he worked from about 9am till 5am in this morning so i didnt see him much for the 6 years that we lived there anyways back to the blog my mum worked as a seowening women you know where the stick the ladels on to a matress and she worked from 8am till 5:30pm and that ment everyday i went around to my friends house she is called Jenny and i use to go aroudn to her house at 7am before school and also i went back to her house after school and Jenny has 1 older sister and brother and they had pets they had a couple of cats and a dog and i wanted a dog so i asked my mum she said yes then she talked to my dad and he agreed but i had to buy the dog so i did and i went to a resuce center for dogs and all the dogs what are there where barking and i walked down and seen 1 dog not barking she was on the floor layed down and i said i wanted her so i buyed her and her name is Duchess she is a German Shepard long hair and when we tryed gettign her in the car that was a laugh she was scared as hell and she wont get in the car at all after 10 mins we got her in the car and then 1 hours later i think we got her home and she just went into the pourt and she wont come out for 1 week because she was so scared and now i have had duchess for 8 years and she is lovely as ever shes not scared no more and she wont hurt a fly.  sorry if this is boarding but i promise the nexts ones wont be love from smileytammy/tamtam/tammy

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