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Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
Hi im Tammy im only 15 and i have blonde hair with blue eyes.

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Old Friends

Hey everyone its smileytammy here sorry i havnt been on for a couple of days i been talking with some old mates. so anyway this is what has been happing. this is a photo of when i was there and my mates =)

Over these couple days i been getting to know some friends from Sheffield who i known when i was 4 years old but then i moved and now we have got contact over facebook and im super happy now and they are the best friends ever suree they might live far away but so what that doesnt matter and i will never forget them even when im dead they will still be in my heart or head we all went to same school BIRLEY SPA PRIMARY SCHOOL but i only went for 1 year then my parents made us move too Notthingham but i missed my old school and everyone in it, i still got memoires from birley spa primary school some funny memiores i was a little devil back then and still am when i wanna be lol but i just wished that i never moved because now im in tears writeing this i miss them so much Harley, Aaron, Jordan miss them so much (only been talking to them lol 3) i miss them soo much :( its been 11 years now since the last time i seen them long time and i really miss them so much I MISS YOU GUYS
Love from SmileyTammy

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