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Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
Hi im Tammy im only 15 and i have blonde hair with blue eyes.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

To Dean Part 2

I have spent the whole night waiting for me brother Dean to get on i have been watchign movies and also  listenign to music channels and been watchign some TV shows like Jersey Shore love that show and been on myspace and facebook chatting to some mates who live all aroud the world.
When Dean gets on he would spend like 10 - 15 mins online  and then he says sorry Tam tam i g2g (g2g means got 2 go) and i just cant smile anymore when he says that it just hurts me cuz i feel like he doesnt even wanna spend any anytime with me anymore its just hurts so much i just feel like crying. Dean  miss you soo much you don't know how much i miss you dean


  1. tammy im sry that i have to go all the time its just my mom has a cufue on how long we can be on the computer and that is 11:00 my time tam tam i do love you and i got a present for you i just havent go on my space well im on thar now so if you want to talk im thar
