About Me

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Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
Hi im Tammy im only 15 and i have blonde hair with blue eyes.

Friday 13 August 2010

To Kyle

Kyle im sorry for being a total bitch to you its just after u said hi u never talked so i kept cheking my yt page like evey 1 minute im sorry i undertstand if u hate me right now and forever and everytime i try to talk to u ur never on or you are busy or u dont even listen to me and anakin is always there for me im soo sorry kyle

1 comment:

  1. tammy you got to under stand that im shareing the computer with my cuzin and i can't be on at all times im sry for not answering you
    Oh dean might not be on verey mutch next week were going to see if we can get to know whar our classes are in the new highschool were going to
