About Me

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Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
Hi im Tammy im only 15 and i have blonde hair with blue eyes.

Monday 2 August 2010

Staying up All night

hey everyone its me Smileytammy so tonight i have stayed up All night and this is what i did thow the night.
I was down stairrghs and i listened to music on my phone then i turned tv on and i was on Facebook, Youtube, Myspace and here and also watching tv so anyways i watched Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins then it was some music on the music channals then i started watching One Missed Call and i also made a post called To Dean (my big brother) and after i writen that i turned my laptop off and watched One Missed Call then after the film ened i cam back on and fount out my big brother dean commented on the post what i made for him and that cheered me up alot and i was on Facebook all night talking to some friends from USA called Ryan and another friened from Austraila called Owen and what i night its been gr8 and i had a couple of snacks thorw out the night and im not even tired yet wow lol and my parents known i was down here they let me send a night down shirhts cool and my lovely dog called Duchess has spent the whole night in my bed aww bless  her and its now 05:55am love from Snileytammy/Tamtam/Tammy

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